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How Members of
Parliament in Africa
Represent their


HOME tackles the following
research questions:


How do MPs behave in their home constituency?


How do MPs use the parliamentary floor to cater to districts’ interests?


How are recruitment and post-assignment in parliament used to connect with constituencies?


Which factors explain differences in constituency-focus?

The questions are investigated in the context of a Small-N comparative study including Ghana, Namibia and South Africa. These are three of the most established democracies in Africa, with remarkable records of free and fair elections and highly institutionalized party systems. However, they have important institutional and contextual differences that make the empirical analysis of constituency service relevant. The project applies an ambitious mixed methods research strategy that combines different types of quantitative (surveys, MPs’ biographies, parliamentary activity) and qualitative (documental research, interviews) data to answer the research questions and test different set of hypotheses.



Edalina Rodrigues Sanches

Research Fellow at ICS-UL
Principal Investigator

Marina Costa Lobo

Senior Researcher at ICS-UL
Co-Principal Investigator

Research team

André Marinha

PhD Candidate at IPRI-UNL
HOME Research Assistant

Ana Lúcia Sá

Assistant Professor

Ana Espírito-Santo

Assistant Professor

Pedro Figueiredo Neto

Research Fellow at ICS-UL

Elisabetta di Giorgi

Assistant Professor at University of Trieste

Cláudia Generoso de Almeida

Research Fellow at ICS-UL

António Dias

PhD Candidate at IPRI-UNL
Research Assistant at ICS-UL

João Conduto

PhD Candidate at ICS-UL

Advisory board

Anja Osei

University of Konstanz

Hermann Schmitt

University Mannheim, MZES

Robert Mattes

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Shane Martin

University of Essex

Academic internship

Inês Luís

BA Student



Book chapters

Sanches, E. R. & Dias, António (2021) Ghana: The Politics of Legislative Debates in a Hybrid Presidential Regime. In H. Bäck, M. Debus, & J. M. Fernandes (eds.), The Politics of Legislative Debate Around the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 399-419.


MPs Biographic

The project will assemble country-level datasets featuring biographic background data of legislators in Ghana (since 1991), Namibia (since 1989) and South Africa (since 2014, due to data unavailability).  The data collected includes age, gender, seniority, localness, committee experience, districts’ sociodemographic characteristics, inter alia

Activity Datasets

The project will create time-series datasets containing parliamentary speeches and questions, and their constituency focus over time. The data will include at least two of the case studies (South Africa and Ghana), for over twenty years.


The project will create time-series datasets containing parliamentary speeches and questions, and their constituency focus over time. The data will include at least two of the case studies (South Africa and Ghana), for over twenty years.